Spiller Farm CSA 

Community Supported Agriculture

To help our farm pay for start up purchases

before our crops come in.

Sign up time is NOW until MAY 30

Our CSA features berries & apples as well

as very good assortment of veggies

for 16 weeks from 

early June to early October for only $400.

We raise Strawberries, Rhubarb, Blueberries, summer squash,

zucchini, cukes,peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, lettuce,

green and yellow beans, carrotspotatoes, butter and sugar corn,

silver corn, peaches, plums, chard, kale,

cabbages, watermelon, winter squash, pumpkins and apples.

Our 1st CSA pick up will begin when our strawberries

are ready. You may choose a Tuesday OR Wednesday 

pick up at our farm between 3 and 6 pm.

To be our CSA member

Please e-mail me at spillerfarm@maine.rr.com

subject CSA to verify an opening

Then right after verification

mail your check  -  Spiller Farm for $400,

phone number and choice of Tues. OR  Wed. to:

Spiller Farm CSA

85 Spiller Farm Lane

Wells, Maine 04090

We feel that you will be very pleased

with what we choose for you each week.

When I receive your check, you are a 2025 CSA member.

You will receive an email just before the 1st pick up day.

CSA Gift Certificates are available until May 30

Thank you,  Anna and Bill Spiller

Our strawberry plants are looking very good.

U PICK Strawberries will begin

in early or mid  June of 2025   


Please check  here for U PICK info

on the day you are coming

NOT  at the store - I forget to tell them

Weather & picking conditions

dictate our open days and hours.


U PICK Strawberries

begin in mid June


In July we will have U PICK

Raspberries - Blueberries - a few veggies

and soon after plenty of veggies thru frost


Apples  &  Peaches begin about August 20 

Apples - Plums - Pears and Pumpkins 

begin  about September 15


We hope you will enjoy your visit to our farm

Anna & Bill Spiller